Since 2009, WFN Consulting has successfully completed 32 Consolidated Plans, Annual Action Plans, Housing Needs Assessments and Analyses of Impediments to Fair Housing Choice.
See our full client listing here.
WFN’s extensive experience in the completion of these documents for our clients has built a skilled familiarity with the requirements and complexities of the:
Community Development Block Grant [CDBG]
CDBG Disaster Recovery [CDBG-DR],
HOME Investment Partnerships Act [HOME],
Emergency Solutions Grant [ESG],
Housing Opportunities for Persons with AIDS [HOPWA], and
Neighborhood Stabilization Program [NSP].
WFN Consulting’s planning process ensures a thorough identification of the populations to be studied and the needs to be addressed. We continue to broaden our outreach to conduct meaningful needs assessment activities. We work to build on the strengths and collaborations already existing in the community to avoid duplication of services and reduce the cost associated with any proposed solutions.
eCon Planning Suite
WFN consultants have been among the first to prepare and submit Consolidated Plans and Action Plans using the eCon Planning Suite. To prepare for the integration of the eCon Planning Suite across jurisdictions nationwide, WFN staff members have participated in HUD briefings, in-person trainings, and webinars on the application of this new resource. Furthermore, because the eCon Planning Suite is a part of HUD’s Integrated Disbursement and Information System [IDIS], a system our practitioners and consultants are familiar with and use on a daily basis, the WFN team members are ready to assist the any jurisdiction and its residents through the changes to the consolidated planning process.
FY2014 – 2018 Consolidated Plan – Williamson County Texas prepared by WFN Consulting
FY2013-18 Consolidated Plan for City of Wellington Florida prepared by WFN Consulting